Return to the Workplace Employment Policies


Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Time: 12:00 p.m. CST

Winstead Shareholder, Taylor White will speak at the upcoming webinar, entitled "Return to the Workplace Employment Policies: Masking, Distancing, and Vaccine Requirements.” This CLE webinar will focus on the employment issues related to the current reopening of the economy, the increased transmission of the COVID-19 virus via the Delta variant, and return to workplace policies. The panel will discuss topics related to in-office social distancing and masking recommendations and how to address wellness concerns and compliance with EEOC and OSHA requirements. The panel will address the legal issues of implementing a vaccine requirement. The webinar will guide counsel on compliance with existing employment restrictions in conjunction with the series of measures created by federal and local officials to address the current pandemic to tailor a specific plan for reopening. Learn More.

Search Tips:

You may use the wildcard symbol (*) as a root expander.  A search for "anti*" will find not only "anti", but also "anti-trust", "antique", etc.

Entering two terms together in a search field will behave as though an "OR" is being used.  For example, entering "Antique Motorcars" as a Client Name search will find results with either word in the Client Name.


AND and OR may be used in a search.  Note: they must be capitalized, e.g., "Project AND Finance." 

The + and - sign operators may be used.  The + sign indicates that the term immediately following is required, while the - sign indicates to omit results that contain that term. E.g., "+real -estate" says results must have "real" but not "estate".

To perform an exact phrase search, surround your search phrase with quotation marks.  For example, "Project Finance".

Searches are not case sensitive.

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