Webinar Series: Financial Services: Use of Limitation-of-Liability Clauses in Fiduciary Relationships


This webinar will provide guidance regarding the appropriate limitation of liability (LOL) clauses in contracts dealing with fiduciary relationships. The LOL clause can operate to limit a party’s direct, indirect, consequential, special, and incidental damages or may cap damages at either an amount agreed upon by the parties, the contract amount, or the parties' insurance coverage limits. The speaker will discuss critical considerations when crafting the provisions, enforceability challenges, the interplay of LOL clauses with other provisions, and the impact of the fiduciary relationship on the limitation being enforceable.

Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Central Time
Cost: Complimentary
Speaker: David F. Johnson

Continuing Education Credit Information:
This course has been approved by the State Bar of Texas Committee on MCLE in the amount of 1 credit hour. This course has also been approved for 1 CTFA credit by the American Bankers Association, attendees can self report.

Who should attend:
In-house counsel and other litigation contacts, trust officers, risk management contacts, and wealth advisors

Search Tips:

You may use the wildcard symbol (*) as a root expander.  A search for "anti*" will find not only "anti", but also "anti-trust", "antique", etc.

Entering two terms together in a search field will behave as though an "OR" is being used.  For example, entering "Antique Motorcars" as a Client Name search will find results with either word in the Client Name.


AND and OR may be used in a search.  Note: they must be capitalized, e.g., "Project AND Finance." 

The + and - sign operators may be used.  The + sign indicates that the term immediately following is required, while the - sign indicates to omit results that contain that term. E.g., "+real -estate" says results must have "real" but not "estate".

To perform an exact phrase search, surround your search phrase with quotation marks.  For example, "Project Finance".

Searches are not case sensitive.

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