Winstead Deal Named a Finalist in 2015 M&A Awards


An M&A deal that Winstead worked on has been named a finalist in the 2015 Mergers & Acquisitions D CEO Awards.  Winners of the M&A Awards will be announced at a private event in early May, and all finalist companies and dealmakers will be profiled in the May/June 2015 issue of D CEO.

Winstead attorneys John Rutherford and Sargon Daniel represented Future Telecom in connection with this transaction, which was among the list of finalists selected by a panel of esteemed judges.  Winstead’s Corporate, Securities/Mergers and Acquisitions Practice Group has experienced a steady increase in private equity, joint venture and M&A work, including five deals in the billion dollar range in the past 24 months.

Winstead’s corporate attorneys represent clients in all industry sectors, including energy, financial services, technology, light and heavy manufacturing, chemicals, retail and hospitality. John works in Winstead's Corporate, Securities/Mergers and Acquisitions practice group.

Click here for more information on the 2015 M&A D CEO Awards.

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