214.745.5655 Direct
214.745.5390 Fax

Mike's practice concentrates on bankruptcy, reorganization and business planning, including representation of business debtors, as well as creditors committees, trustees, individual creditors and selling and purchasing assets and companies, both in and out of the bankruptcy process, including intellectual property, real estate, health care, and technology transactions, and advising small to medium size business clients with all aspects of restructure issues.

Representative Experience

  • Represented health care company and 14 subsidiaries in successful reorganization with confirmed plan in Texas.
  • Represented large home health care company in connection with corporate and asset acquisitions in NCFE and MedShares Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Currently defends and represents a large, multi-national energy company as creditor, committee member and defendant in significant number of energy-related bankruptcy cases and associated litigation.
  • Represented numerous developer entities and individuals in large reorganization/restructures of projects, including all classes of debt and substantive restructures.
  • Past and ongoing representation of local, national and multinational technology, telephone and internet related businesses in connection with litigation, bankruptcy issues and general corporate matters.
  • Previous and ongoing representation of large to medium-size trucking-transportation businesses in out-of-court resolutions and various bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Represented large, privately held aircraft ownership and leasing operations in connection with all aspects of significant airline bankruptcy proceeding.
  • Represented large number of restaurant operations and food suppliers in bankruptcy cases, restructures, workouts and debt reconciliations.
  • Represented various parties, claimants and plaintiffs in business-related, commercial and contractual litigation and represented an assortment of parties in significant mediation proceedings.
  • Representing Chapter 7 Trustee in complex litigation and obtaining judgment for estate against Debtor and Trustee of spendthrift trust.

Search Tips:

You may use the wildcard symbol (*) as a root expander.  A search for "anti*" will find not only "anti", but also "anti-trust", "antique", etc.

Entering two terms together in a search field will behave as though an "OR" is being used.  For example, entering "Antique Motorcars" as a Client Name search will find results with either word in the Client Name.


AND and OR may be used in a search.  Note: they must be capitalized, e.g., "Project AND Finance." 

The + and - sign operators may be used.  The + sign indicates that the term immediately following is required, while the - sign indicates to omit results that contain that term. E.g., "+real -estate" says results must have "real" but not "estate".

To perform an exact phrase search, surround your search phrase with quotation marks.  For example, "Project Finance".

Searches are not case sensitive.

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